Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

I Don't Care

On June 25, 2010 Friday morning, a day-to-day activities of my work. Actually there is no problem with that, but since the atmosphere is somewhat good, then I also do not feel comfortable. This is evidenced by the lazy friends one of my room at will enter office hours.

They also love to find a face to the boss, and always correcting what I do. Not arrogant, than they are people who I always appreciate the discipline of office hours. But what I do all in vain and underestimated. Not an iota of a sense of mutual respect for all the work I have done.

But I do not give a damn, let the time will answer them all. Because I'm sure, if we do something positive, it will have a positive and fun things that are priceless. Let them say what and disparaged me, I do not care. Never give up and do your best.

1 komentar:

  1. yes off course,,u can do the best u can do bro,,dont care about ur lazy friends,,and looking attention with the boss...the boss knowing that who has working very profesional and not,,so i think keep working and A go a head...can u do

