Jumat, 24 September 2010

Beberapa Mitos dan Fakta Sebuah Kopi

# Mitos ; tidur siang hanya membuat kita makin mengantuk---dan malah membuat kita lebih sulit tidur pada malam hari.
Fakta : tidur siang singkat dapat menghalau rasa kantuk dan dapat mengembalikan kesegaran.
Kebanyakan dari kita sering khawatir bahwa bila kita mengikuti rasa kantuk lalu tidur siang, maka tidur siang akan berlanjut terus dan nantinya akan bangun dengan gejala yang lebih parah.
Kenyataannya, tidur siang dapat memulihkan kesegaran, hanya saja pastikan jangan terlalu lama, Lisa Shives, MD, medical director di North Shore Sleep Medicine in Evanston, Il memperingatkanl. " Penelitian menunjukan, tidur siang singkat sekitar 10 menit dapat memperbaiki kewaspadaan maupun kemampuan pada test kognitif “.
Waktu juga merupakan hal yang penting,menurut  M. Jawad Miran, DO, sleep medicine specialist pada Somerset Medical Center's Sleep for Life program di Hillsborough, N.J. "tidur siang yang terlalu panjang atau terlalu sore dapat mengacaukan jam biologis tubuh.Jika akan tidur siang, hendaknya tidak lebih dari 20 menit, sehingga anda tetap pada fase ringan dan dapat terbangun tanpa merasa tidak nyaman ."

# Mitos : secangkir latte ukuran besar merupakan ide buruk karena dapat membuat kita terbangun sepanjang malam
Fakta: secangkir kopi dapat membantu mengusir kantuk anda pada siang hari, hanya saja jangan berlebihan .
Kafein seringkali mendapat cap buruk, namun Shives menggemari untuk minum secangkir kopi setiap hari menyatakan  " bahkan untuk mereka yang tidur cukup kadangkala sering juga mengalami rasa kantuk setelah makan siang---hal itu adalah suatu siklus normal circadian. Pada kasus saya, irama circadian ini bagaikan seseorang melemparkan selimut ke muka saya, jadi saya memerlukan secangkir teh hitam untuk mengusir gejala ini..”
Shives juga menegaskan bahwa setiap individu memiliki reaksi berbeda terhadap kafein, jadi anda bila ingin mencoba maka mulailah dengan setengah cangkir setelah makan siang dan lihat reaksinya seberapa jauh menggangu tidur malam anda. Jangan minum kopi pada malam hari.
Sama seperti tidur siang, begitu juga dengan kafein.Bila anda menggunakan secara berlebihan maka anda menciptakan lingkaran setan dan membuat anda sulit tidur pada malam hari disertai rasa kantuk di siang hari. Banyak ahli menyarankan untuk tidak minum kafein setelah jam 2 siang. (McCoy)

Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

I Don't Care

On June 25, 2010 Friday morning, a day-to-day activities of my work. Actually there is no problem with that, but since the atmosphere is somewhat good, then I also do not feel comfortable. This is evidenced by the lazy friends one of my room at will enter office hours.

They also love to find a face to the boss, and always correcting what I do. Not arrogant, than they are people who I always appreciate the discipline of office hours. But what I do all in vain and underestimated. Not an iota of a sense of mutual respect for all the work I have done.

But I do not give a damn, let the time will answer them all. Because I'm sure, if we do something positive, it will have a positive and fun things that are priceless. Let them say what and disparaged me, I do not care. Never give up and do your best.

Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

Hand Phone Pertama di Dunia

Martin Cooper merupakan penemu ponsel yang digunakan lebih dari separuh populasi dunia. Handset pertama dilahirkannya pada 1973 dengan bantuan tim Motorola dengan berat dua kilogram.

Ketika dia menderita di jalanan New York dan membuat panggilan ponsel pertama dari prototipe ponselnya, dia tidak pernah membayangkan perangkat buatannya itu akan sukses suatu saat.
Untuk memproduksi ponsel pertama, Motorola memerlukan biaya setara dengan US$1 juta. “Di 1983, ponsel portabel berharga US$4 ribu (Rp36 juta) setara dengan US$10 ribu (Rp90 juta) hari ini,” ujarnya.
Cooper mengatakan bahwa timnya menghadapi tantangan bagaimana memasukkan semua bahan ke dalam sebuah ponsel untuk pertama kalinya. Namun akhirnya desainer industri telah melakukan pekerjaan super dan insinyur menyelesaikan dua kilogram perangkat ponsel pertama.

“Bahan yang sangat penting untuk ponsel pertama adalah baterai dengan berat empat atau lima kali daripada ponsel yang ada saat ini. Waktu hidup baterai 20 menit, tetapi hal tersebut bukan masalah karena pengguna tidak akan menggunakannya selama itu,” ujarnya.
Setelah memproduksi ponsel, tantangan terbesar adalah mengadaptasi infrastruktur untuk mendukung panggilan ponsel mobile. “Tantangannya adalah menciptakan jaringan dengan hanya membutuhkan 3 MHz spektrum, setara dengan lima channel TV yang tersalur ke seluruh dunia,” imbuhnya. Dia dan timnya berharap bahwa suatu hari setiap orang bisa memiliki handset mereka sendiri.

“Faktanya kami bergurau dengan mengatakan di masa depan, ketika seseorang lahir maka harus menandatangani sebuah nomor telepon dan jika tidak menjawab panggilan telepon, maka pengguna akan meninggal. Kami tidak memiliki bayangan dalam waktu 35 tahun separuh manusia di bumi akan memiliki ponsel dan mereka memberikan ponsel kepada orang lain secara cuma-cuma,” katanya.
Pada awalnya ponsel secara resmi dibuat untuk menolong dokter dan staf rumah sakit meningkatkan komunikasi mereka. Cooper berharap perangkat ini akan membantu keamanan dan kebebasan bagi orang-orang, tetapi ternyata implikasi sosial yang muncul melebihi pemahaman Cooper hampir selama empat dekade lalu.
“Kami tidak pernah mengira bahwa hal seperti Facebook dan Twitter dan semua konsepnya akan terjadi di dalam ponsel,” terangnya.

Generasi baru yang disebut sebagai ponsel pintar telah merevolusi industri ponsel mobile dan mengubah cara orang menggunakannya. Teknologi dalam handset telah berubah fokus dari ‘voice’ menjadi fungsi lainnya semacam pemutar media portabel, jelajah web dan kamera.
Dengan mempelajari keseluruhan teknologi, Cooper percaya bahwa operator dan produsen ponsel telah mengubah handheld ponsel menjadi layaknya monster.
“Buku petunjuk saat ini lebih besar dan berat bila dibandingkan dengan ponsel itu sendiri,” ujar Cooper. “Teknologi yang baik adalah intuitif, ponsel memaksa tiap orang menjadi seorang insinyur.”

Tetapi Cooper masih menikmati menguji coba ponsel terbaru, karena dia ingin memahami inovasi yang terjadi di pasar ponsel. “Anda harus menyelam ke dalam produk dan menggunakannya untuk lebih memahami, itulah mengapa saya memiliki sebuah ponsel baru setiap satu atau dua bulan,” ujar Cooper.
Seiring dengan perkembangan ponsel ke generasi ke-empat, dengan fitur baru di setiap pembaruannya, penemu ponsel tersebut mengatakan bahwa handset di masa depan harus bertujuan meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan pengguna. “Teknologi membuat hidup lebih baik, lebih nyaman, aman, mendidik, menghibur dan sebagian besar membuat lebih produktif dan sehat,” ujar Cooper.

Dalam terminologi pengembangan fisik ponsel yang telah mengecil dari awalnya seukuran batu bata, dia percaya bahwa pengguna masa depan akan bisa berbagi dengan perangkat tersebut.
“Ponsel dalam jangka panjang akan bisa dimasukkan ke bawah kulit belakang telinga dengan komputer canggih yang akan membuat kerja lebih keras,” tegasnya.

Minggu, 09 Mei 2010

Lady Gaga in Action

Dengan headpieces yang dapat mengambil burung dalam penerbangan dan ribut mengabaikan untuk konvensi celana, itu bisa dimengerti mengapa Lady gaga adalah subyek spekulasi konstan.

Barbara Walters pembicaraan seks, cinta dan keluarga dengan bintang pop pelarian.

Tetapi beberapa terletak diabadikan tentang bintang pop bahkan lebih aneh dari baju nya. Di bawah, ABCNews.com rusak apa yang nyata dan apa yang hanya rumor ketika datang ke semua hal gaga.

Gaga Lady diamputasi salah satu kakinya: Rumor. Tentu, ia berusaha untuk orisinalitas, tapi goyang kaki palsu demi fashion adalah bukan gaya gaga's.

Pekan lalu, A News Pakistan melaporkan bahwa gaga mengungkapkan amputasi nya "sambil melompat-lompat" studio MTV: "Ini adalah fashion terbaru aku mulai dan Anda dapat melihat bahwa aku seorang pemimpin dunia ketika datang ke s edan dan aneh * * t, "situs web A Pakistan News gaga dikutip mengatakan. "Bulan depan setelah saya pulih dari operasi saya berharap untuk memiliki kaki lain diamputasi atau mungkin lenganku, hmm ... mana yang harus saya mengamputasi selanjutnya?" 
Gimana apakah kalian semua sudah puas melihat Lady Gaga? Apa ingin tubuh-tubuh kalian semua yang pada gak bagus-bagus dibuat instant seprti Lady Gaga  ?? Komen ajah di web ini.. Thanks  !!

Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010


Sahabat sejati..Friendship..sipplah...syirik aja lo!!

Jumat, 23 April 2010

Ferrari Fastest Road Car Sold Out

ITALIA-Insanity sports car lovers, it rapidly escalated. only a few days ago since it was first introduced, the Ferrari 599 GTO has been booked customers. 

As the name suggests, the Ferrari 599 GTO is a manufacturer issued a special edition of the Prancing Horse's berlambang that it produced only 599 units worldwide. 

And only a few days ago, Ferrari has announced to the 599 GTO-599 units have become the property of their customers. Similarly Autoevolution quoted from Saturday (24/04/2010). 

Sports car road was built through 599XXX machine that has experienced a number of reworked in order to achieve a more perfect outcome. 599 GTO equipped kitchen runway capacity of 12 cc 6:00 belching power cylinder capable of 661 horsepower with peak torque to 619 Nm. 

Do not ask about the ability of this car on the asphalt. For 599 GTO can accelerate from 0-100 km / h in just 3.35 seconds. Feeling still capable of driving at speeds more than that? Do not worry, because this car can still be brought speeding up to 335 km / hr. 

Title of the fastest road car disandnag Ferrari may deserve this, remember when examined on the Fiorano circuit, whose record of 599 GTO 1 minute 24 seconds for one lap. A similar record time F1 race car. 

In addition seaerodinamik design made possible, the Ferrari engineers are also trying to make this GTO is lighter weight. Because the body is made of aluminum was chosen, from carbon ceramic brakes, and six-speed transmission system from a lightweight but strong material so that the displacement between the teeth can take 60 milli seconds faster than ordinary sports car. 

Although the outside looks fierce, but Ferrari's trying to give something more luxurious at the cabin, 599 GTO. Carbon fiber material used on the gearshift, door trim, and steering wheel. 

Meanwhile Ferrari membekalkan also a new feature which they call the Virtual Race Engineer as a tool that is able to monitor the condition of the car while running.

Kamis, 15 April 2010

Pulsar LS 135, Sporty Design, Save, and Cheap

Motor sports berbodi stocky, powerful engines, but fuel economy, but the price is cheap, who was not smitten with the Bajaj Pulsar 135 LS. What advantages does India's iron horse?

LS 135 news Pulsar presence was so Santer came shortly after the principals Bajaj in India officially launched its motor sport 135 cc engine capacity was mid last year. But only this time as a shareholder BAI motorcycle brands dare bring Bajaj Pulsar 135 DTS-i technology to the country.

See the machine that bears almost no one seems to competitors who are playing in this class. The closest is only Suzuki Thunder 125. IBHS in terms of capacity is clearly different cylinders of the Pulsar 135.

Because it was probably not an overstatement if the President Director of BAI, KS Grihapathy so optimistic with the Pulsar 135. "Brand Pulsar so attached in the minds of consumers Bajaj in Indonesia, therefore we present the Pulsar 135 to open a new niche light class motor sports," he said on the sidelines of the launch when ditemi Bajaj Pulsar 135 LS.

Few looked innards Pulsar LS 135, India manufacturers rely on the technology returned SOHC 4-stroke twin spark plugs DTS-i (Digital Twin Spark Ignition), 4 valves. By using two spark plugs it will assist the combustion becomes faster and better than the machines that use a spark plug.

In addition the use of 4 valves dikalim also able to produce optimal power in all engine speed but fuel economy. Taj Mahal Interior Pbarikan claim Pulsar LS 135 can travel 65 km with 1 liter of fuel consumption. Wow!

With a cylinder capacity reached 134.66, the Pulsar 135 LS capable of generating power of 13.5 hp at 9000 rpm engine speed. Meanwhile, peak torque can be achieved up to 11.4 Nm at 7500 rpm. Power is more than enough as a motor sport that is used daily, considering the condition of roads in big cities filled with more congestion.

Affairs of the legs, the Pulsar 135 LS using telescopic suspension with anti-friction coating on the front and rear suspension that use Nitrox. This type of suspension is able to accommodate the needs of the biker as he crossed the highway in urban areas. To be more feet tread the asphalt, equip Bajaj Pulsar 135 with wheels in size 2.75 x17 front and 100/90x17 on the rear.

So what else is gained from motor sport for Rp14, million it? Anyone would agree when Bajaj was always sporty at all output models. Even though with the Pulsar 135 LS. Shell model of a tapered light and pull a line from the tank to the stern, capable of boosting daily taste of motor sport in the body of the Pulsar 135. Moreover, some sections also appear as part futuristic taillights and also desian speedometer, would tempt anyone who loves motor sport.

With prices that are not much different than the cub same engine capacity, combined ciamik sporty design and engine power but still qualified fuel economy, whether Bajaj Pulsar will be penjegal motorcycle market in Indonesia? Let's wait!

Kamis, 08 April 2010

Bajaj Pulsar 135

Still remember with the Bajaj Pulsar 135? Although it has been appeared in her home country long enough, now the motor sport going into the Indonesian archipelago.

Arrival Bajaj Pulsar 135 is obtained from the search results okezone in the Department of Industry of Indonesia (Industry).

PT Bajaj Auto Indonesia (BAI) as the holder looks brand Bajaj in Indonesia has picked up 10,000 units of import licenses through license Bajaj Pulsar 135 Motor Vehicle Registration Type (TPT) 241/IATT/TPT/2/2010 Industry by numbers.

In India, Bajaj Pulsar 135 has actually been quite a while was launched. But this time the new seems interested in bringing BAI 'older sister' XCD 125's.

Bajaj was again present on dual spark plug technology is Pulsar 135. Armed with machine 4-stroke 134.6 cc DTS-i, 4 Valve, Air Cooled, Pulsar 135 could generate power for 13 Bhp at 9000 rpm with torque of 11.4 Nm at 7500 rpm.

TPT discharge permit is certainly making Bajaj Pulsar 135 launch schedule a matter of time only.

Selasa, 06 April 2010

I'm Right Man in the Wrong Place

Life is not always beautiful, sometimes we are happy and sometimes we are sad. All of us face is filled with prayer and hope for success. During life we sometimes know that it was wrong. But because it was forced to the demands of work done .. yes.

This little heart whispered, wanting to leave current job. But alas, we do not have another job that is better than today. Whatever we do is to find a bite of rice, other people living with compassion. We thank all these circumstances, and continue to expect to a new job. Of course the job is more clean and halal. This answer will determine accountability in the hereafter.

Indonesia is a developing country, but human beings are greedy and want more success in quick time. Therefore many people do with shortcuts. They do everything they can to make it happen, although in a way cheating.

Whatever happens, we already know what's good and bad to do. Many charities can help us to become more useful to humans either by humans or relationship with the creator. Hopefully someday we can find a decent job and net of elements of fraud and corruption. Hope can be realized in the near future. And we too will prosper if the country of its human resources healthy.

Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

Texas Holdem Poker in Facebook

This month I've played poker craze on Facebook, until my friend called my office Pokerholic.
During the week playing a lot of knowledge I can in playing poker, I need to remember to play poker just for having fun. Currently I am level chips that I got only Pros 50m but today I am posting this article I lived chips up losing 1.6 M play yesterday.
In Texas Holdem Poker game on Facebook a lot of tips we can use and tips that I can from personal experience and learn from the masters of poker chips that already have hundreds M. And there are reportedly more poker cheat can make us win and there is also a way to Hacking Poker Chips wow ... wow a lot of road to roma it .. specifically for this hack I can not love tipsnya because I also do not know yet just want to learn and further mengexplore, ntar when it could be me for her tips here:)
Ok we discuss direct Tips Texas Holdem Play Poker on Facebook

1. Level Poker

In playing poker Level also determines, people who have 100K Level Pro with people who have different levels of lucky 10M card that came out, the higher the level the higher your lucky presentation of your card out. example: there are two players the A (pro-100K) and the B (pro-5M). The initial card A (U.S. 10) and the beginning of the B card (King and Jack) if the test sama2 all in the presentation there was a greater victory in the B card, the card which is more apt to ride on the card B. Try it out I had to prove it:) 

2. If your first card is U.S. 10, K 10, Q 10, J 10, Pairs do not hesitate to all in, it is useful to bully opponents who do not have good cards like you, if you raise little by little the opponents will try to buy a card and the card hoping that there will be opened up her card, but if you are all in the beginning of your opponent's guarantee would be afraid, most of which have come quite a good card for example pair, but the percentage is at your victory. I also wonder I often experienced anything like this, maybe the formula've naturally times yes. 

3. If you are out to win big, get for your money tube, should not be stacked on the table the table because it will make you money is exhausted, people who have good cards will lure you bit by bit to get your chips until you are in force for all in. 

4. Place the chips do not banyak2 capital, for example you play at tables $ 500 / 1K when you SIT numbers listed to buy 100,000 chips are not directly enter, you buy just a little, for example 50,000, not let you quickly run out of chips. 

5. Occasionally there is nothing wrong to bully your opponents even if your card is not good, it is useful to your enemy hard and confused reading your playing style, if you always Fold when he got a bad card and Raise or all-in when you get a card then the opponent Pair be easy to read style of your game, when you're All in then no enemy would dare come just to buy cards. 

6. If your card is not bad on the table was forced to play it, try out dressing table, looking for a new table and start playing again. 

7. Luck or lucky ... this is the most important factor in playing poker, I'll have 6 Tips you follow the above and live but if luck is not there with you, then your card will always be a bad hold, so pray it may have on your luck:) 

Jumat, 26 Maret 2010

The Purpose of Life

85 days had passed away in 2010, did not seem so fleeting. This year is a new leaf to a better life. I felt like my time is left to use these things useful. make the experience last year as a teacher in this life.
It is unfortunate that when crossed with useless things. All the work thrown in vain for my final destination. Whatever I do in order to achieve my goal. Have been facing obstacles in life, I'll try to get through.  

Whatever I do in order to not slip into a negative 

I'm merely a man full of sin, but I try to do my best .. Life is only temporary, the ultimate goal remains the end of the day. I will desperately reach heaven. I would not desperate to achieve.
Where I stepped foot, will continue towards a better life. Weather and political conditions does not make me give up .. I still keep fighting .. fight for life, love and heaven. Do not Drop tears, just let my body sweat. Pray with sincere intention, hopefully all will be achieved .. Make your life brighter ..!!!

Bajaj Pulsar 180

Bajaj Pulsar 180 is a bike .. very cool and elegant. Also sophisticated engine, also looks to make his eyes all glanced .. hihihi ... Very comfortable to wear. Here is some news about the Bajaj Pulsar 180. Please read ...
Not unexpectedly, three years after Bajaj Pulsar bike in the market through Indonesia with motors of his sport. Now, to mark three years of presence in Indonesia, PT Bajaj Auto Indonesia (BAI) presents a new scent on his Pulsar 180 is a new look. The first set foot Pulsar in Indonesia was experiencing a number of changes after the upgrade.
Success of Pulsar 180 series continues with the presence of 200 cc and the brother of the 125 cc class. Actually, many of which await another breakthrough from the pulsar. Is that a new motor with a higher cc or Pulsar XCD brother who supposedly was 135 cc. But clearly, that was launched the latest news, Monday, October 5, 2009, PT BAI would prefer to maintain the pioneer in upgrading the appearance also marks three years of their operation since November 2006.
Pulsar 180 Upgrade big change from the original model. "Reform is to make this model more sporty and comfortable to use in the city," said KS Grihapathy, President Director of BAI. With the new length 1350 mm, this model looks more solid and stable, and makes the sporty look of the Pulsar 180.
Pulsar 180 upgrade adds new features that the sticker decorations (decal) 3D new, tubeless tires, fuel tank flaps, and clip-on handle bars. In addition, the Pulsar 180 has also been on the upgrade reconfiguration to provide the additional 0.5 HP engine that produces maximum power up to 17.02 PS at 8500 rpm.
"We always consider the needs of motorists in the city, seeking a combination of aesthetic appearance that is sporty with power and reliable performance. 180 new pulsars have all the qualities to be a choice for motorists in the city, "added KS Grihapathy. "Additional features on the Pulsar 180 does not increase the selling price of Pulsar in Jakarta, the selling price of on-road remained the same," he said.
Meanwhile, the Pulsar 180 has received the Automotive Award 2009 as a motor sport with the best performance in the 150-180cc class. Pulsar 180 Upgrade is available in four new colors: Midnight Black, Plasma Blue, Candy Wine Red, Silver and Misty Gray.
Speaking at the award ceremony, KS Grihapathy said, "There is huge demand for affordable motor sport, technologically advanced, and modern looking in Indonesia. Bajaj Auto with its leadership in technology, Digital Twin Spark is ready to fulfill the request by a motor that has high performance and fuel efficiency. The main focus remains providing after sales service with a trained mechanic, workshop He added, "the new Pulsar 180 is the second launch of the upgraded motor in the financial year 2009-10, we have other products and upgrades are planned for launch in the next few months. Bajaj forward to further action ".

Kamis, 25 Maret 2010



You are sitting with a discussion
You are always on safari
There, in the House of Representatives

People's Deputy group of great people
Not a collection of close friends
Moreover, relatives

In our hearts and we hope your tongue

Please hear our voices and tell

Do not hesitate do not be afraid now facing
Speak loudly not only silent

In our safarimu Leave bags
Our future and this country From Sabang to Meroke
Civil chosen not dilotre
Although we do not know who you
We're not going to choose the winners
Silent champion champion he'eh
Winner ha ha ha

Populist Representatives should
Do not sleep when hearing about people
Representatives are not choir
Just know singing songs agreed

Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

Smack Down Special Unique Women

Sports this one usually favored by the men of great muscular, but Smack Down, held in Bolivia this all participants are aliases womanhood women.

Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

Just Relax

Enjoy the night exploring the virtual world. Full of imagination and can be poured into an article. Fill your time with something useful. From the blank is not the goal. Better to relax with a cup of coffee and browsing are ready to enjoy. If you need to add smoking as a supplement excited and lara.

Visit the nearest coffee shop, enjoy the night without interruption. Whatever feels good when taken leisurely. During the world is full of people relaxing, I'm sure the world will smile with us.

Protect the universe that I love this. Peace always, keep a smile but not too much. I'll pass for mad ...


Human beings just trying to, but God decides. Many events are beyond the human mind today as a result of the disaster or human activity itself. This proves the Lord gave a warning to the creatures of the earth in order to maintain balance in life. In other words we must maintain and preserve the contents of this earth, maintaining good relations between the creatures of the earth, man and God

We still remember the Tsunami incident in 2004. Where is the worst affected are in Aceh. Banda Aceh is the capital of Aceh province today, the building destroyed by an earthquake measuring 8.9 Righter scale. Followed by a tsunami. The sea rose kedaratan and destroyed all the contents of the city, both in Banda Aceh and surrounding areas.

Humans finally realized with the greedy behavior, not satisfied what he had accomplished. Just think of the interests of the world and forget the final goal, namely the Hereafter.

But behind all that, we are grateful that God has reminded us of his will power. In other words, as time went on humans also think of what he had done, whether in accordance with good cause or not.

Aid flows from abroad and domestic. Rebuilding after the tsunami disaster. Finally now, life became normal again. May we continue to maintain this world.

Senin, 22 Maret 2010

Supplements and Vitamins

In everyday life we need a healthy mind. to support it, it would be better than breakfast, we can consume supplements or vitamins. So that our activities can be going according to plan.

Many types of supplements or vitamins that we can consume our activities for smooth day-to-day. RutinBioflavonoid (Vit C) KFaktor factor JFaktor
PTyrosinaseAscorbinogenAscorbic Acid
When we consume only the ascorbic acid our bodies will look for
Other partners such as listed above reply in our body tissues to
can take advantage of what we consume. But when our bodies
not have enough reserves the ascorbic acid will be thrown out of
body so that the practical benefits that you gain will decrease.

Comparison between the use of multi-vitamins & minerals compared with
pharmaceutical drugs

You could say almost not be compared because each has
purpose of using different but if we compare them side by side
effect, well clear that the use of pharmaceutical drugs has a more 'tangible
side effect 'compared to the multi-vitamins & minerals.

For long-term use is a multi-vitamin & mineral can be dangerous.

I hope the reader is able to answer them after reading the writing
above. During use is still within the recommended dose will usually be
safe, unless we consume in MEGA doses, but not necessarily effective
if partner requisite to be processed together is not present
in your body.

Except for the category of vitamins A, D, E, K. This vitamin is categorized
'fat soluble' that is stored in the body and unlike other vitamins
influent category 'water soluble' so that the excess will be excreted through
urine. But if you do not take Mega dosage and still within the limits
recommendations, you do not need to worry.

If for pharmaceutical drugs, you can check their own benefits and side
effect of each drug on-line or to a store that sells books
book drug list (MIM's, etc.)

For a discussion of Fe (iron) is not included in the category of vitamins
but falls into the category of minerals. This Fe can not be less or more because
if not you will get symptoms of anemia, but if more would spoil
heart. So everything is there in size. and Fe supplements were not common
consumed except for pregnant women or those who are anemic.

For vitamin E which has the effect of blood dilution, of course if you want the
consumption together with blood-thinning medications such as Aspirin, Coumadin, etc.
have to be careful so that your blood does not become too watery which then
increase the risk of bleeding is difficult to stop but for a normal
the use of vitamin E ebesar 200 to 400 IU, I've never heard of lead
trouble. Especially if it is consumed yg yg vitamin E alpha d abortion
Tocopherol ... toss-absorbed, about 50% of.

Hopefully this info can get rid of the existing concerns. Actually
there is one recipe that will make us always had protection and not
oscillate. This is one I wrote to do in each section